Welcome to the Trinity Art Room by Anaika

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While Covid opened up the online portal for galleries to migrate their operations to the internet, with a surge in online art shows and auctions, we found ourselves at a unique crossroads; continue to operate solely as an online gallery as we had been for the past 10 years or move in a completely different direction. And being the dreamers that we are, we decided that this would be the perfect time to open our first physical gallery; ‘The Trinity Art Room.’ Everything just lined up so organically, it would be hard to ignore the path that we were on. A new adventure, a new set of challenges, something different to shake things up.

A brick and mortar business, the dream. 

Something that had been simmering for a while, finally coming to a boil in the midst of a chaotic 2021. When you have had an online boutique gallery for as long as we have, a physical space seems like the ultimate and inevitable dream to achieve.

Of course, as with the other projects of the gallery, our physical gallery (in a home) is also an idea that seems to be a little unconventional for the Indian market. However, even if we do not fully believe it, having a space people can visit does help legitimise our gallery a little more, and if we are going to do something traditional we would rather do it on our own terms.

We had a very clear vision of what we wanted the gallery to be, which made the execution process much smoother.

An art gallery in the setting of a home.

Our age-old motto has been to “make art accessible to everyone,” and what better way to make that happen than by creating a gallery that resembles someone’s home filled with artworks. Art is fun, art is therapeutic, art can heal, art is what you make of it. And you can only understand it when you can approach it without the imaginary boundaries people have placed around this field. We know the feeling you get when you walk into an art gallery all too well, it feels distant, the cold white walls are uninviting, and the artworks seem out of our reach. Of course, traditional art galleries are set up like that to optimise the art experience and keep the focus on the pieces, but it can, at times, feel daunting. Which is why we have tried to go down another route. We started by giving each nook a different wall colour, this allows us to show works according to the client’s preferences; because a lot of people worry that the painting wouldn’t go with their wall colour. We have minimal furniture and seating that goes with the room, to replicate a living space. The lighting also resembles the lighting a house would have and that would be perfect for the artworks. When we show you around the gallery it feels like we are giving you a tour of our home, which makes the experience a lot more personal. Since the client viewings are appointment based we give them our undivided attention, we introduce ourselves, our artists and their works and we get a better idea of who our client is while interacting with them. We can curate works that we think the client would like based on their preferences in real time. 

Future Plans

Our art gallery also doubles as a space for hire, and we have already had our first workshop; a one month makeup and hair course. This was a very exciting endeavour for us, and something new, a “unique venue for a workshop” as quoted by a client. We plan to host art evenings and artist workshops and talks in the months to come. We are also in the process of having a live art session and a formal opening of the gallery, so stay tuned, get on our mailing list if you aren’t on it already and come visit us!

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