How Does An Art Change Your Home, by Shwetaambari Soni

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Have you ever mulled over the power and the positive energy that Art reflects? Art does connects us. Our senses, body, and mind, It fills our entire home with an auspicious energy and stimulates thinking, engagement and even actions. Art, provides us with a potential to destress and heal. While spending few minutes gazing at an artwork, you experience all of the emotions the artist has instilled within his expression, sharing with us positivity and joy. Take a look at these three points that make it quite evident that Art changes your home positively:- It is an escape from everyday issues and life- art gives you time to pause and relax. To look at beautiful and Affordable Indian Art piece. By just dropping a fine look at the Art piece which is hanging on the walls of your home can make you feel like you have cleansed your spirit. At Psychology Today, Ms. Jacinta Francis explained, “The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take in some art to de-stress and inspire you. Idyllic tree-dotted landscapes and water scenes can be especially effective for encouraging relaxation”.

An art can act as a medicineThe UK-based organisation ‘Paintings in Hospitals’ found that medical centres experienced an increase in both staff satisfaction and patient health & happiness when contemporary art was introduced into the hospital environment. Various studies have shown that displaying original art in health centres caused shorter hospital stay and less medication for some patients.

Art opens your heart

An Art piece at home provides us with an opportunity to exercise critical thinking. It makes us experience a renewed self-awareness and connections to others and their experiences too. In this way, it inspires us to face the difficulties boldly. So, next time when you feel totally worn out with your work and daily routine, make sure to buy Modern Indian Art online and bring that to your home to increase the productivity of your work, mood and health.

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