Suneel Mamadapur
Works, primarily built around an edgy Surrealist vocabulary with its associated shifts and substitutions of images and visual registers, are deeply concerned with the ethical dimensions of contemporary life. My vehicle of choice to stage the dilemmas that face Modern man is the fable, a genre that has had the capability to marry topicality with a populist and didactic aspect that can address a wider audience. And allegorical imagination is tied to an urgent moral imperative, and utilises all the linguistic means that the genre puts at his disposal in order to uncover the iniquities that lie hidden beneath the codes that govern social life.
Suneel received his Post Diploma in Graphic’s Arts in Faculty of fine Arts, M. S. University of Baroda, India, in 2000. After completing his Diploma in fine Art, KEN School of Art, Bangalore, Karnataka in 1997